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Appropriately designed and conducted randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are foundational for the practice of evidence-based medicine, including the regulatory approval of therapeutics and the inclusion of those therapies into clinical practice guidelines. Broadly defined, RCTs can be considered in two categories: explanatory or mechanistic trials that examine the effect of an intervention on biologic measures and clinical outcome trials that are testing the impact of a treatment on what matters to patients and clinicians, including living longer, feeling better, avoiding unpleasant experiences, or spending less money. Many years ago, Topol and Califf noted that “both types of trials are needed to advance the clinical treatment of acute myocardial infarction. Mega-trials can provide definitive evidence about the mortality reduction afforded by a class of therapy so that broad changes in clinical practice can be justified. Mini-trials can explain why a treatment is effective to allow development of more effective approaches attacking the identified mechanisms (1).” In the intervening years since Topol and Califf put forth this observation, cardiovascular clinical investigators have performed both types of trials in looking to reduce the risk of complications that arise from the development and progression of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.  RCTs, intended to guide or change clinical practice, have typically examined whether or not a proposed therapeutic strategy can reduce important clinical outcomes, such as death, myocardial infarction, stroke, hospitalizations, revascularization procedures and anginal symptoms. Trials, typically smaller and sometimes embedded into a larger outcomes RCT, have also been performed to establish a possible relationship between a biomarker and the more important clinical outcomes.  Although, it is also well-accepted that care must be taken in the interpretation of such relationships as being causal (2).




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