青岛大学科技处网站发布《青岛大学关于公布涉嫌造假论文调查结果的通报》,全文如下:1.青岛大学药学院高某、姜某某为共同通讯作者、林某某为第一作者的论文“FL118inhibitsviability and induce sapoptosis of colorectal cancer cells .....
十七、福建医科大学附属第一医院范华为通讯作者及第一作者的论文“MiR-150 alleviates EMT and cell invasion of colorectal cancer through targeting Gli1”。经调查,该论文存在篡改图表数据行为。对范华作出如下处理:暂停招收研究生.....
Delaunay S, Nature. 2022 Jun 29.AbstractAggressive and metastatic cancers show enhanced metabolic plasticity1, but the precise underlying mechanisms of this remain unclear. Here we show how two NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransfe.....