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Rationale, design and organization of the Second Chinese Cardiac Study (CCS

当前位置:循环首页>正文 Rationale, design and organization of the Second Chinese Cardiac Study (CCS-2): a randomized trial of clopidogrel plus aspirin, a..... 
学术资讯 - 临床研究


Am J Med 15 Oc 2004, 117(8 ): 596-606 Matthias Briel, , Marco Studer, , Tracy R. Glass, , Heiner C. Bucher, a,* Purpose To assess if lipid-lowering interventions (statins, fibrates, resins, n-3 fatty acids..... 
学术资讯 - 临床研究

SSSS:The cost

Diabetologia. 1999 Nov;42(11):1293-301. Jonsson B, Cook JR, Pedersen TR. Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden.AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The purpose of this study is to investigate the cost-effectiveness o..... 
学术资讯 - 临床研究

COHERE:Rationale, design, and methods for a Coreg (carvedilol) Heart Failure Registry (COHERE). COHERE Participant Physicians.

J Card Fail. 2000 Sep;6(3):264-71. Rationale, design, and methods for a Coreg (carvedilol) Heart Failure Registry (COHERE). COHERE Participant Physicians. Franciosa ..... 
学术资讯 - 临床研究


当前位置:循环首页>正文 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗患者肥胖的流行The Epidemic of Obesity in PCI Patients作者:国际循环网   日期:2013/9/10 15:06:07国际循环网版..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学


  一项多中心研究显示,limus药物洗脱支架(DES)再狭窄患者,使用紫杉醇洗脱球囊效果不劣于再次支架置入,优于单纯球囊血管成形。  在ISAR-DESIRE 3试验中,德国Robert A. Bryne博士和同事入选2009年8月到2011年10月间,3..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学


  一项小型回顾性研究提示,在当前的联合用药降压时代,指导慢性肾脏病(CKD)患者降压药治疗的”30%规则”,即血清肌酐升高者应当降低剂量,可能并不必要。Sheldon Hirsch(Lakeside 肾脏病学)及其同事的相关报告发表在2012年11月的?Amer..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学


  International Circulation: You have shown a link between length of sleep and obesity. Could review the mechanisms behind obesity in sleep-deprived populations? Dr. Jean-Philippe Chaput: We know that lack of sleep ca..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学


  International Circulation: As President of the World Heart Federation, what do you think is the main purpose of hosting the World Heart Federation at Great Wall this year? What topics are you particularly interested..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学


当前位置:循环首页>正文 冠状动脉CT可能识别哪些病变与PCI后cTnT升高相关Coronary CT May Identify Which Lesions Are Associated With cTnT Elevation After PCI..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学