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[EuroPCR 2011]临床血管内光学相干断层扫描图谱

  Tell us a little about the background and goal of this publication.  Lorenz Raber (Bern, Switerland): When we introduced optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a cathlab application in Bern in 2008, there were onl..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学

COHERE:Rationale, design, and methods for a Coreg (carvedilol) Heart Failure Registry (COHERE). COHERE Participant Physicians.

J Card Fail. 2000 Sep;6(3):264-71. Rationale, design, and methods for a Coreg (carvedilol) Heart Failure Registry (COHERE). COHERE Participant Physicians. Franciosa ..... 
学术资讯 - 临床研究


  近几年,随着影像学技术的迅速发展,人们对血管内病变的认识不断加深,从最初的冠状动脉造影,到血管内超声技术(intravascular ultrasound, IVUS),以及虚拟组织学,最近光学相干断层成像术(optical coherence tomography, OCT..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学