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CALM:Randomised controlled trial of dual blockade of renin



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BMJ. 2000 Dec 9;321(7274):1440-4. Mogensen CE, Neldam S, Tikkanen I, Oren S, Viskoper R, Watts RW, Cooper ME. Department of Medicine, M, Kommunehospitalet, University Hospital, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. cem@afdm.au.dk

OBJECTIVES: To assess and compare the effects of candesartan or lisinopril, or both, on blood pressure and urinary albumin excretion in patients with microalbuminuria, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes.

DESIGN: Prospective, randomised, parallel group, double blind study with four week placebo run in period and 12 weeks’ monotherapy with candesartan or lisinopril followed by 12 weeks’ monotherapy or combination treatment. SETTING: Tertiary hospitals and primary care centres in four countries (37 centres).

PARTICIPANTS: 199 patients aged 30-75 years.

INTERVENTIONS: Candesartan 16 mg once daily, lisinopril 20 mg once daily.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Blood pressure and urinary albumin:creatinine ratio.

RESULTS: At 12 weeks mean (95% confidence interval) reductions in diastolic blood pressure were 9.5 mm Hg (7.7 mm Hg to 11.2 mm Hg, P<0.001) and 9.7 mm Hg (7.9 mm Hg to 11.5 mm Hg, P<0.001), respectively, and in urinary albumin:creatinine ratio were 30% (15% to 42%, P<0.001) and 46% (35% to 56%, P<0.001) for candesartan and lisinopril, respectively. At 24 weeks the mean reduction in diastolic blood pressure with combination treatment (16.3 mm Hg, 13.6 mm Hg to 18.9 mm Hg, P<0. 001) was significantly greater than that with candesartan (10.4 mm Hg, 7.7 mm Hg to 13.1 mm Hg, P<0.001) or lisinopril (mean 10.7 mm Hg, 8.0 mm Hg to 13.5 mm Hg, P<0.001). Furthermore, the reduction in urinary albumin:creatinine ratio with combination treatment (50%, 36% to 61%, P<0.001) was greater than with candesartan (24%, 0% to 43%, P=0.05) and lisinopril (39%, 20% to 54%, P<0.001). All treatments were generally well tolerated. CONCLUSION: Candesartan 16 mg once daily is as effective as lisinopril 20 mg once daily in reducing blood pressure and microalbuminuria in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes. Combination treatment is well tolerated and more effective in reducing blood pressure.

科研资讯(站内): CALM

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