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[TISC2012]急性缺血性卒中的院前神经保护和高效血管内再通治疗——Dr. David Liebeskind专访



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  International Circulation: What are some of the new ideas and concepts behind the use of pre-hospital neuroprotective agents?
Dr. Liebeskind: The concept is that treatment should begin as early as possible, irrespective of the nature of the therapy or treatment. Revascularization, or any other techniques to restore blood flow, is going to be limited by the challenge of understanding who has an ischemic stroke and who has a hemorrhage. From the revascularization standpoint, this prevents a lot being done in the pre-hospital setting. A recent German trial attempted pre-hospital thrombolysis, facilitated by imaging in the field. However, this can be a huge logistical challenge and miraculous if it can occur. It may be difficult to implement on a large scale. An alternative approach would be to use neuroprotective therapies. Most of these therapies are at least not harmful in hemorrhagic stroke, and there may be a benefit. Also, imaging to distinguish hemorrhagic from ischemic stroke may not be required.
Dr. Liebeskind: 这种观念是不论采用何种治疗方法,都应该尽可能早的开始治疗。血管再通或使用任何能恢复缺血区血流的技术的使用都因为需要了解患者是发生了缺血性中风还是出血性中风而受到限制。从血管再通的观点上来看,这会限制院前环境中很多工作的开展。最近的一项德国试验尝试了在影像指导下的院前溶栓。然而,如果成功这将是一个巨大的挑战和不可思议之事。这种治疗方法可能难以大规模应用。另一种替代治疗方法就是使用神经保护治疗。很多这样的治疗方法至少对出血性中风不会有害,甚至会有益处。同时,这种治疗并不需要通过影像区分出血还是缺血性中风。
IC: You mentioned that in Los Angeles, paramedics will immediately dial a physician hotline in cases of suspected stroke, how are they diagnosing these strokes?
Dr. Liebeskind: There are using the LAM score, Los Angeles Motor score, where they recognize weakness in specific parts of the body, such as the face, arm, and leg. Typically we screen for unilateral weakness and attempt to screen-out posterior circulation disease. Our inclusion-exclusion criteria are limited for the paramedics, but can be more elaborate when they call us and go through more detailed criteria. These criteria can depend on base-line functional status or specific cardiac disease. Also, when we are treating with magnesium, we have to be concerned about cardiac conduction delays and renal failure as well, so that is when an investigator on the line is necessary to screen out through these aspects. I should mention that we are doing this with video phone, allowing us to perform instant visual diagnosis.
 Dr. Liebeskind: 他们用的是LAM评分,也就是洛杉矶运动评分,他们能识别身体特别部位的无力,比如脸部,上肢和腿部。通常我们筛选出单侧无力并试图筛选出后循环疾病。护理人员所掌握的纳入-排除标准是有限的,但是当他们给我们打电话并进行更细节的筛选时这些标准就会更详尽。这些标准可能依赖于患者的基础功能状态或特别的心脏疾病。同时,当我们用镁离子给患者治疗时,我们还需要考虑到患者的心脏传导延迟和肾衰竭的情况,因此这是那些接电话的医生必需要排除的方面。我还需要提到的是我们是通过可视电话来完成这一工作的,使我们能做出即时的视觉诊断。
IC: What are some the advantages of mechanical embolus removal and some of the risks? How do you prevent vascular injury?
Dr. Liebeskind: Mechanical approaches have benefit in terms of control from a recanalization standpoint. Drugs are obviously more complex. Drug delivery is not as focal or local and therefore more difficult to control. We do not know anything about intraarterial dosing of thrombolytic agents, in regards to specific amounts in different vessel sizes. Another advantage is that we can control things step-wise. The double edged sword is that we have gotten so good with mechanical approaches that we have become excellent in restoring blood flow, reperfusion.  While reperfusion is often the goal of therapy, the ultimate goal, or what I suggest as “definitive reperfusion,” is reperfusion without hemorrhage and with clinical benefit at day 90. Avoiding reperfusion injury, whether it is hemorrhagic or ischemic reperfusion injury, is the real challenge.
Dr. Liebeskind:机械性方法的优点是从再通的角度来讲的。药物的作用明显更复杂。给药并不能精确控制它能到达病灶区,因此效果很难控制。我们并不清楚溶栓药物在动脉内的剂量,也就是在不同直径的血管内药物的特定量有多少。机械性治疗的另一个优点是我们能通过分步法控制治疗。机械性治疗也是一把双刃剑,我们已经通过机械性治疗取得了良好的血流恢复效果,也就是再灌注。再灌注通常是治疗的目的,终极目标,或我认为的“绝对的再灌注”,也就是在90天时出现临床效果的没有出血的再灌注。真正的挑战是避免再灌注损伤,不论是出血性再灌注损伤还是缺血性再灌注损伤。

科研资讯(站内): 院前神经保护 卒中

百度浏览   来源 : 国际循环   

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