Relationships of cholesterol levels with cardiovascular risk weaken with advancing age, and use of statins for primary prevention in older people remains controversial. Among the 17802 apparently healthy me.....
Glynn RJ, MacFadyen JG, Ridker PM. Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Division of Preventive Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.....
Samia Mora1; Robert J Glynn2; Paul M Ridker3 1 Harvard Sch of Medicine, Boston, MA2 Harvard Sch of Public Health, Boston, MA3 Harvard Sch of Medicine, Boston, MA Background Statin therapy in women without ma.....
Saely CH, Rein P, Vonbank A, Drexel H.Abstract BACKGROUND: The JUPITER trial has recently demonstrated an outstanding reduction of cardiovascular events by 20 mg rosuvastatin/day in subjects with.....
Ohsfeldt RL, Gandhi SK, Smolen LJ, Jensen MM, Fox KM, Gold A, Hsia J. Texas A&M Health Science Center, College Station, TX, USA.Abstract Abstract Objective: This study assessed the long-term c.....