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分享智慧共同成长Full textEven before the pandemic, Nurses have suffered the effects of workplace stress and burnout. The Nursing shortage is a key factor when it comes to burnout. The lack of staff demands Nurses to care..... 
学术资讯 - 热点资讯


2022年6月10日,哥德堡大学萨尔格伦斯卡学院妇产科教授 Mats Brännström 等人在 Fertility and Sterility 期刊发表了题为:Reproductive, obstetric, and long-term health outcome after uterus transplantation: results of the firs..... 
学术资讯 - 临床研究

华东医药利拉鲁肽License out!

学术资讯 - 其他

日本全国性多中心观察性研究SCI写作范文解读:时间 vs 预后

心肺复苏持续时间对院外心脏骤停患者神经功能预后影响:日本全国性多中心观察性研究文献摘要背 景美国的急诊医疗服务数据显示每年有超过347000名成年人和超过7000名儿童发生院外心脏骤停(Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest, OHCA)。心肺..... 
学术资讯 - 期刊资讯


Ferreira JP et al.Diabetes Obes Metab. 2022 Jan;24(1):135-141.尿酸(UA)水平升高在2型糖尿病(T2D)患者中较常见,并与心血管风险增加有关。此外,尿酸水平升高会引发痛风性关节炎、肾结石等并发症。在EMPA-REG OUTCOME试验中..... 
学术资讯 - 文献解读


近日,浙江大学机械工程学院邹俊课题组在国际流体力学顶级期刊《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》发表论文“Statics and dynamics of a viscous ligament drawn out of a pure-liquid bath”。这篇论文中对液桥拉伸这一在打印、聚合物生产等..... 
学术资讯 - 资助成果

[APCH2011]β受体阻滞剂是一种过时的抗高血压药吗?——Anthony M Heagerty教授专访

  Anthony M Heagerty,英国曼彻斯特大学  International Circulation: The British Hypertension Society Guidelines have moved beta-blockers out of first-line agent recommendations for hypertension. Do you thi....... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学


当前位置:循环首页>正文 CABG术中取自旁路血管的骨髓单核细胞可能改善结局Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Delivered Through Graft Vessel During CABG May Improv..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学

[EuroPCR 2011]陈韵岱专访——造影剂肾病的研究

  Could you tell us a bit about yourself, your activities as a cardiologist and your centre?  I am a professor of Medicine and Cardiology and Director of the Cardiology Division of the Chinese PLA General Hospital. ..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学

[EuroPCR 2011]葛均波教授专访——APSIC与EuroPCR的交流与合作

  Perhaps you could start by telling us a little about what brought you to Interventional Cardiology?  My career in interventional cardiology started in 1990, when I was a fellow at the University Hospital Mainz, G..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学