2020年2月18日,Javier Cortes团队在国际顶级癌症期刊《CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians》(影响因子高达223.679)在线发表“Enhancing global access to cancer medicines”的综述文章,综述阐述了各类限制人们获得癌症药.....
今天,我们继续解读柳叶刀2021年8月发表的关于高血压初始治疗策略对比的论文,论文标题:Initial treatment with a single pill containing quadruple combination of quarter doses of blood pressure medicines versus standa.....
Undergraduate:I want papers, more papers, more more papers.Graduate:I want papers, more papers, JACS papers.Postdoc:I want HIJ (High Impact Factor Journal) papers.如果你也学化学,如果你也搞科研,看到这样的心路历.....
近期,Nature 杂志官网将一篇题为《打击制造伪科学的 “论文工厂”》(The fight against fake-paper factories that churn out sham science)的长文挂在了头版。文章称,一些出版商发现了大规模的学术造假行为,且采取了多样化的应对措.....