Kenya Nasu1; Yuji Oikawa2; Tadanori Aizawa2; Takahiko Suzki3, SKT Investigators Group
1 Toyohashi Heart Cntr, Toyohashi, Japan
2 Cardiovascular Institute Hosp, Minato-ku, Japan
3 Toyohashi Heart Cntr, Toyohashi, Japan
Background: There was few randomized comparison has been carried out comparing different drug-eluting stents for treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions by single stent strategy. The purpose of SINGLE KISS trial was to assess the efficacy of single stent strategy with kissing ballooning after stent implantation using by sirolimus- and paclitaxel-eluting stents in patients with bifurcation lesions.
Methods: Inclusion criteria were lesions >75% diameter stenosis within 5mm of a bifurcation in vessels 2.5–4.0mm in diameter in the main branch and >2.25mm in the side branch. Single drug-eluting stent was implanted and kissing ballooning was performed after stenting. Follow-up angiography was scheduled at 9 month and patients were follow-up prospectively for one year.
Results: A total of 839 patients were enrolled at 22 clinical sites. Up to date, 428 patients completed one year follow-up. The Major Adverse Cardiac Events rates between both groups were similar (Table). There has been no reported stent thrombosis to date.
Conclusions: The results of SINGLE KISS trial demonstrated that Single stent strategy with kissing ballooning using by sirolimus- and paclitaxel-eluting stent systems were similar and effective in patients with bifurcation lesions. Complete angiographic and clinical results will be available at the time of presentation.
One year clinical results
百度浏览 来源 : 国际循环
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