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2022-06-06   来源 : 医药笔记 ,作者唐钧

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图1 NCCN 指南中ES-SCLC的一线治疗方案









ASTRUM005与其他ES-SCLC 关键临床数据对比


表1. ES-SCLC四项关键三期临床数据对比




Henlius’ serplulimab ASTRUM005 international pivotal trial showed remarkable primary endpoint of overall survival benefits in the first-line treatment setting for extensive-stage small cell lung cancer

Jun (Leon) Tang*1,, PhD; Van Chau1,, PharmD; QingyuWang1,, MD.

1 Shanghai Henlius Biotechnology

9F, Innov Tower, 1801 Hongmei Road, Shanghai, 200233

Email: jtang@henlius.com

*WeChat account: junt806

Despite 2 anti-PD-L1 drugs approved to treat extensive stage small-cell lung cancer, prognosis remains dire

World Health Organization (WHO) estimates approximately 2.2 million new cases of lung cancer in 2020 globally, of which about 15% are estimated to be small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cases, total ~330,000 new SCLC cases (https://www.iarc.fr/). Extensive stage of SCLC (ES-SCLC) accounts for 2/3 of all SCLC cases, and ES-SCLC has a very poor prognosis, with less than 7% patients who can survive 5 years. Immune checkpoint molecules such as PD-L1 blocking monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)/chemo combo showed ~25% overall survival benefits compared to the previous chemotherapy standard of care (SoC). The two PD-L1 mAbs, namely atezolizumab and durvalumab, in combo with chemo were approved by the FDA and the EMA to treat ES-SCLC, and both therapies are listed as the preferred regimens in the national comprehensive cancer network guidelines (NCCN) of the United States (Figure 1).

Figure 1. NCCN guidelines on the first line treatment for ES-SCLC.

However, the median overall survival (mOS) of atezolizumab/chemo combo in IMpower133 trial showed only a 2-month survival benefit, while mOS of durvalumab/chemo combo in CASPIAN trial only a 2.7-month. Furthermore, no anti-PD-1 mAb/chemo combo has shown significant improvement over chemotherapy in this setting. Therefore, more effective treatment options resulting significant OS benefit are urgently needed in the checkpoint inhibitor armamentarium to combat the aggressive ES-SCLC.

ASTRUM005 Phase 3 trial for ES-SCLC hit primary OS endpoint and all secondary endpoints

Serplulimab is an anti-PD1 mAb that has shown clinical benefits in multiple tumor types. Due to its significant improvement to the primary endpoint of overall response rate coupled with numerically better adverse drug events profile from ASTRUM010 Phase 2 clinical trial in tissue agnostic histologies, Serplulimab was approved by China’s NMPA for the treat of advanced unresectable or metatstatic MSI-H solid tumors in March 2022 [Qin, ASCO 2021 annual meeting].

ASTRUM005 enrolled 585 patients from 114 sites in 6 countries (China, Russia, Turkey, Poland, Georgia, and Ukraine), and the patients were randomized at a 2:1 ratio. The primary endpoint was overall survival (OS), and secondary endpoints included PFS, ORR, DOR, safety, and immunogenicity. Among the 585 enrolled patients, 389 were randomized to the serplulimab/chemo arm while 196 to the placebo/chemo control arm. Baseline characteristics was well balanced between the two arms.

After a median follow-up of 12.3 months as of the cut-off date of Oct 22nd, 2021, the median OS (mOS) of the serplulimab/chemo arm was 15.4 months vs 10.9 months in the control arm, a remarkable 4.5-month additional survival benefits resulting in an OS hazard ratio (HR) of 0.63 (P < 0.001). Importantly, subset analysis showed no statistically significant difference between the Asian and Non-Asian patients (HR of 0.61 vs 0.73).

In addition, all secondary endpoints including PFS, ORR, and DOR showed statistically significant improvement in the serplulimab/chemo arm vs the placebo/chemotherapy control, further supporting the clinically meaningful OS benefits.

Grade 3 and above treatment related adverse events (TRAEs) related to serplulimab/placebo occurred in 33.2% in serplulimab/chemo arm vs 27.6% in chemo control arm. 

In conclusion, serplulimab/chemo combo showed clinical meaningful survival benefit in ES-SCLC, evidenced by the primary endpoint OS HR of 0.63, as well as significant improvements in all secondary efficacy endpoints. In addition, the toxicity was comparable between experimental and control arm, showing a manageable safety profile.

ASTRUM005 compares favorably with other ES-SCLC pivotal trials

Comparing ASTRUM005 with 3 other Phase 3 pivotal trials, namely IMpower133, CASPIAN, and KEYNOTE-604, the primary endpoint of OS HR of ASTRUM005 was 0.63, versus 0.70 from IMpower133, 0.73 from CASPIAN, and 0.80 (not statistically significant) from KEYNOTE-604. In addition, all secondary endpoints of ASTRUM005 (namely PFS, ORR, and DOR) show statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement over control, but none of the other 3 pivotal trials showed statistically better benefits in all the 3 secondary endpoints. Most importantly, a 4.5-month overall survival benefit with Serplulimab is numerically the largest amongst all 4 pivotal trials (Table 1).

Table 1. Efficacy and safety comparison amongst the 4 Ph3 pivotal trials for ES-SCLC.

The regulatory path for serplulimab combo in ES-SCLC

Serplulimab/chemo combo demonstrated clinical meaningful benefits vs chemotherapy, as well as comparable benefits with (if not numerically better than) the current two anti-PD-L1 mAb SoC. Serplulimab is the first anti-PD-1 mAb to show statistically significant and clinical meaningful improvement  vs chemotherapy in ES-SCLC first line setting. Henlius has submitted the data package to China’s NMPA for ES-SCLC and plans to submit to the EMA in 2H2022. Serplulimab received orphan drug designation from the US FDA in April 2022. Henlius expects multiple regulatory approvals of this life-saving therapy starting with the most aggressive lung cancer, ES-SCLC. We are very grateful of all the patients in our clinical trials and the investigators who made tremendous contributions to ASTRUM005. We are confident that having serplulimab included in the treatment option would shift the therapy paradigm for ES-SCLC.


1.Cheng et al., ASTRUM005: serplulimab, a novel anti-PD-1 antibody plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy as first-line treatment for extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer: an international randomized phase study. ASCO annual meeting 2022

2.World Health Organization Global Cancer Observatory (https://www.iarc.fr/)

3.National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines (www.nccn.org)

4.Horn et al., first-line atezolizumab plus chemotherapy in extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer. NEJM, 2018.

5.Paz-Ares et al., Durvalumab plus platinum-etoposide versus platinum-etoposide in first-line treatment of extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer (CASPIAN): a randomized, controlled, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet, 2019.

6.Rudin et al., Pembrolizumab or placebo plus etoposide and platinum as first-line therapy for extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer: randomized, double-blin, phase III KEYNOTE-604 study. J Clin Oncol, 2020.

7.Qin et al., Efficacy and safety of HLX10, a novel anti-PD-1 antibody, in patients with previously treated unresectable or metastatic microsatellite instability-high or mismatch repair-deficient solid tumors: A single-arm, multicenter, phase 2 study. ASCO 2021 annual meeting.


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