Am J Cardiol. 2004 Jan 1;93(1):92-5. Effect of fluvastatin on long-term outcome after coronary revascularization with stent implantation. (LIPS) Saia F, de Feyter P, Serruys PW, Lemos PA, Arampatzis CA, Hendrickx GR, Delarche N, Goedhart D, Lesaffre E, Branzi A; Lescol Intervention Prevention Study (LIPS) Investigators. Erasmus MC, Thoraxcenter, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. We assessed the impact of long-term fluvastatin treatment on adverse atherosclerotic cardiac events (cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and revascularization excluding repeat interventions due to restenosis in the first 6 months) in 847 patients (fluvastatin [n = 417] or placebo [n = 430]) with average cholesterol levels treated with stents in the Lescol Intervention Prevention Study (LIPS). During the 4-year follow-up period, fluvastatin significantly decreased total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and decreased the risk of first adverse atherosclerotic cardiac events by 30% compared with placebo (95% confidence interval -49 to -3.4, p = 0.03).
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