Glasser SP, Judd S, Basile J, Lackland D, Halanych J, Cushman M, Prineas R, Howard V, Howard G.
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Preventive Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
BackgroundThere are few available data on the epidemiology of prehypertension (preHTN). To determine racial, clinical, and demographic differences in the prevalence of preHTN and its cross-sectional association with vascular risk factors.MethodsCross-sectional analysis of 5,553 prehypertensives, 20,351 hypertensive’s, and 4,246 nonhypertensive participants (age ≥45), from a population-based national cohort study (REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) total population 30,239, of whom 30,150 had adequate blood pressure (BP) measurements) enrolled from January 2003-October 2007 with oversampling from the southeastern stroke belt, and black individuals. Baseline data were collected using a combination of telephone interview and in-home evaluation. preHTN was defined according to The Seventh Report of the Joint national Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7) guidelines.ResultsThe prevalence of preHTN was associated with age and black race (62.9% in blacks compared to 54.1% in whites). A higher prevalence of preHTN was observed in obese individuals, self-reported heart disease; and, those with elevated high-sensitivity C reactive protein (hsCRP), diabetes, and microalbuminuria compared to those without these factors. Heavy alcohol consumption in white participants was associated with increased odds of preHTN (odds ratio (OR) = 1.32) but was even greater in black participants (OR = 2.27).ConclusionThe prevalence of preHTN increased by age and African-American race. In addition, a higher prevalence of preHTN was observed with elevated hsCRP, diabetes, microalbuminuria, and those with heavy alcohol consumption compared to those without these factors.
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