近日,山东大学第二医院胃肠外科丁印鲁/朱建团队在肿瘤学著名期刊Oncogene杂志(影响因子9.867分;中科院一区)发表研究:OTUB1 suppresses Hippo signaling via modulating YAP protein in gastric cancer。该研究揭示了OTUB1.....
之前我们有讲到的Oncology Letters被爆8篇文章严重抄袭事件共涉及到9篇论文,还有1篇是发表在了 Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 杂志上,那么今天我们就来讲讲这本期刊。希腊生物医学综合类期刊Experimental and Therapeutic Med.....
文章标题:Impact of harvest season on bioactive compounds, amino acids and in vitro antioxidant capacity of white tea through multivariate statistical analysis发表期刊:LWT-Food Science and Technology影响因子:6.....
题目:A protein subunit vaccine booster following two doses of inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine provides high neutralisation of SARS-CoV-2 and itsvariants in mice期刊:The Lancet Microbe(影响因子86.2)作者及单位.....