引用格式Zhang SW, Sun KX, Zheng RS, Zeng HM, Wang SM, Chen R, Wei WQ, He J. Cancer incidence and mortality in China, 2015[J].JNCC, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jncc.2020.12.001.JNCC (Journal of .....
2021年6月17日,国际著名期刊Nature Communications在线发表了题为“Single-cell RNA-seq reveals fibroblast heterogeneity and increased mesenchymal fibroblasts in human fibrotic skin diseases”研究论文,这.......
2021年8月27日,由中日友好医院国家呼吸与危重症医学科曹斌教授联合清华-北大生命科学联合中心等研究人员在国际顶级期刊《The Lancet》上在线发表了题为" 1-year outcomes in hospital survivors with COVID-19:a longitudinal.....