Angiology. 2003 Nov-Dec;54(6):679-90. Early benefit from structured care with atorvastatin in patients with coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus.( GREACE) Athyros VG, Papageorgiou AA, Symeonidis AN, Didangelos TP, Pehlivanidis AN, Bouloukos VI, Mikhailidis DP; GREACE Study Collaborative Group. Atherosclerosis Unit, Aristotelian University, Hippocration Hospital, Aristotelian University, Hippocration Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. athyros@med.auth.gr
From 1600 consecutive CHD patients randomized to either form of care in the GREek Atorvastatin and CHD Evaluation Study (GREACE), 313 had DM: 161 in the structured care arm and 152 in the usual care arm. All patients were followed up for a mean of 3 years. In the structured care group, patients were treated with atorvastatin to achieve the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) treatment goal of <2.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dL). Primary endpoints were all-cause and coronary mortality, coronary morbidity, and stroke. In the structured care group, 156 patients (97%) were taking atorvastatin (10-80 mg/day; mean, 23.7 mg/day) throughout the study; the NCEP LDL-C treatment goal was reached by 150 patients (93%). Only 17% (n=26) of the usual care patients were on long-term hypolipidemic drug treatment and 4% (n=6) reached the NCEP LDL-C treatment goal. During the study, 46 of 152 (30.3%) CHD patients with DM on usual care experienced a major vascular event or died versus 20 of 161 (12.5%) patients on structured care; relative risk reduction (RRR) 58%, p<0.0001. RRR for all-cause mortality was 52%, p=0.049; coronary mortality 62%, p=0.042; coronary morbidity 59%, p<0.002; and stroke 68%, p=0.046. Event rate curves started deviating from the sixth treatment month and the RRR was almost 60% by the 12th month. RRRs remained at that level until the end of the study, when they became statistically significant. The cost/life-year gained with structured care was estimated at 6200 US dollars. In CHD patients with DM, structured care of dyslipidemia with atorvastatin to achieve the NCEP LDL-C treatment goal, reduces all-cause and coronary mortality, coronary morbidity, and stroke by more than one half within a 3-year period, in comparison to usual care. Clinical benefit is manifested as early as the sixth month of treatment.
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