Predictive performance of interferon-gamma release assays and the tuberculin skin test for incident tuberculosis: an individual participant data meta-analysisHamada Y, Gupta RK, Quartagno M, et a.....
Performance of QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus assays in paediatric tuberculosis: a multicentre PTBNET studyBuonsenso D, Noguera-Julian A, Moroni R, Hernández-Bartolomé A, Fritschi N, Lancella L, Cursi L, Soler-Garcia A, Krü.....
Reduction of blood C-reactive protein concentration complements the resolutionof sputum bacillary load in patients on anti-tuberculosis therapy.Azam K, Khosa C, Viegas S, Massango I, Bhatt N, Jani I, Heinrich N, Hoelsche.....
Diagnostic Accuracy of the Truenat MTB Plus Assay and Comparison with the XpertMTB/RIF Assay to Detect Tuberculosis among Hospital Outpatients in Cameroon.Ngangue YR, Mbuli C, Neh A, Nshom E, Koudjou A, Palmer .....
近日,郑州大学第一附属医院遗传与产前诊断中心与上海塔歌生物技术有限公司共同完成的研究成果,以题为“A dPCR-NIPT Assay for Detections of Trisomies 21, 18 and 13 in a Single-tube Reaction-Could It Replace Serum Biochemical T.....
由亚太心脏协会(APHA),中国医师协会(CMDA),中国医师协会心血管内科医师分会(CCCP)共同主办的2014亚太心脏协会年会暨中国心血管医师大会(2014 Annual Scientific Sessions of APHA & Chinese Cardiologists’Congress ,简称.....
由亚太心脏协会(APHA),中国医师协会(CMDA),中国医师协会心血管内科医师分会(CCCP)共同主办的2014亚太心脏协会年会暨中国心血管医师大会(2014 Annual Scientific Sessions of APHA & Chinese Cardiologists’Congress ,简称<.....