3月28日,开滦总医院吴寿岭教授、阜外医院蔡军教授在J Am Heart Assoc期刊上发表名为《Stage 1 Hypertension and the 10-Year and Lifetime Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Prospective Real-World Study》(IF=6.11)。研.....
Anthony M Heagerty,英国曼彻斯特大学 International Circulation: The British Hypertension Society Guidelines have moved beta-blockers out of first-line agent recommendations for hypertension. Do you thi.......
Durant RW, McClure LA, Halanych JH, Lewis CE, Prineas RJ, Glasser SP, Safford MM. Division of Preventive Medicine; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 3.....