文章标题:Impact of harvest season on bioactive compounds, amino acids and in vitro antioxidant capacity of white tea through multivariate statistical analysis发表期刊:LWT-Food Science and Technology影响因子:6.056作者.....
近日,一篇发表在国际杂志The Journal of Nutrition上题为“Testing the Feasibility and Dietary Impact of a “Produce Prescription” Program for Adults with Undermanaged Type 2 Diabetes and Food Insecurity in Australia”的研.....
The impact of climate change on the risk factors for tuberculosis: A systematic review.Kharwadkar S,Attanayake V,Duncan J,Navaratne N,Benson J.Environ Res,2022,212(Pt C):113436.doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.113436. On.....
编者按Undergraduate:I want papers, more papers, more more papers.Graduate:I want papers, more papers, JACS papers.Postdoc:I want HIJ (High Impact Factor Journal) papers.如果你也学化学,如果你也搞科研,看到这样的心路历程.....
来源:肿瘤资讯2019年10月,Blood Advances杂志在线发表了 中国医学科学院血液病医院(血液研究所)邱录贵教授团队的近期研究成果“The impact of response kinetics for multiple myeloma in the era of novel agents.....