ASCO即美国临床肿瘤学会(American Society of Clinical Oncology)成立于1964年,是全球领先的肿瘤专业学术组织,宗旨是预防肿瘤及改善相关医疗服务。2018年ASCO第54届年会将于6月1至5日在美国芝加哥举行,届时汇集来自世界各地的32000多名肿瘤专家。我们将实时跟踪报道2018ASCO肿瘤支持/姑息治疗领域的最新研究进展.
下面我们带大家抢先了解即将在ASCO 2018年会发布的有关支持/姑息治疗最新研究。目前支持/姑息领域共遴选出254篇摘要,涉及13个专题,大体简单分为“身、心、社”及支持/姑息治疗模式探讨四大板块。
摘要10004:Symptom burden in hospitalized patients with curable and incurable cancers
摘要10005:Randomized trial of a symptom monitoring intervention for hospitalized patients with cancer.
摘要10007:Patient (Pt) and oncologist (MD) discordance in goals of care in end of life (EOL) decision making.
摘要10109:Patient-defined goals and preferences among older adults with cancer starting chemotherapy (CT).
摘要10010:Quality of life (QoL) in older patients (pts) with cancer and prognostic factors for QoL decline
摘要10016:Scrambler therapy for established chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: A randomized phase II trial。
摘要10017:Randomized, double-blind, phase III trial of monosialotetrahexosylganglioside versus placebo in GI cancer patients with oxaliplatin induced peripheral
摘要10018:Pretreatment physical activity to predict short- and long-term chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) in a nationwide longitudinal study of paclitaxel for breast cancer.
摘要10019: Efficacy and safety of additional olanzapine to ondansetron and dexamethasone for prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study.
摘要1078: Efficacy of mirtazapine in preventing delayed nausea and vomiting induced by highly emetogenic chemotherapy: An open-label, randomized, multicenter phase III trial.
摘要10527:Intravenous fosaprepitant for the prevention of chemotherapy induced vomiting in children: A double blind placebo controlled, phase III randomized trial.
摘要10053:Efficacy of haloperidol versus olanzapine for control of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting.
摘要10112:The impact of pain in recurrent ovarian cancer patients: An individual participant data meta-analysis of the North-Eastern German Society of Gynecological Oncology (NOGGO) of 1226 patients.
摘要10102:A multi-center, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of additive effect of duloxetine for neuropathic cancer pain refractory to opioids and gabapentinoids: JORTC- PAL08 (DIRECT study).
摘要6602:A nationwide analysis of palliative care service utilization in hospitalized
摘要10118:Efficacy of omega-3 (v3) supplementation versus omega-6 (v6) supplementation for reducing pain among breast cancer survivors:
A URCC NCORP RCT metastatic cancer patients.
摘要6538:Efficacy of omega-3 (v3) supplementation versus omega-6 (v6) supplementation for reducing pain among breast cancer survivors:
A URCC NCORP RCT metastatic cancer patients.
摘要10057:Patient characteristics and long-term outcomes beyond the first 6 months after a diagnosis of cancer-associated thrombosis
摘要10091:PG2 injection, a novel botanical drug approved for improving cancer-related fatigue among advanced cancer patients under standard palliative care: A double blind, multi-center, randomized phase IV study.
摘要10061: longitudinal assessment to evaluate the impact of higher body mass index on cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.
PRO(Patient Reported Outcomes)
摘要10101:Risk stratification using patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in patients (pts) with advanced cancer.
2018年ASCO会议主题“Delivering Discoverise:Expanding The Reach Of Precision Medicine” “传递发现:扩展精准医学领域”。会议内容涵盖了癌症预防和治疗多个方面,从精准医学到癌症生存者的康复等涉及多方面内容。其中支持/姑息治疗成为大家关注的热点领域,相信ASCO开幕后将有更多的精彩内容呈现。
“CAHPC姑息情报局”专栏在CAHPC主任委员北京大学肿瘤医院姑息治疗中心主任刘巍教授积极倡导下,继“肿瘤姑息漫步学社”后的又一杰作。“情报局”一经推出就备受业界关注和认可,2017年累计阅读次数达千次。2018年将再接再厉,我们CAHPC团队将携手【肿瘤资讯】带来更多精彩内容,请您继续关注“CAHPC带您走进ASCO 2018”系列报道。
百度浏览 来源 : 肿瘤资讯
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