French B et al. . JAMA. 2022 Aug 4. doi: 10.1001/jama.2022.
羟氯喹组和安慰剂组在第 14 天的序数结果量表上的临床状态没有显着差异(中位 [IQR] 评分,6 [4-7] vs 6 [4-7];aOR,1.02 [95% CI,0.73至 1.42])。12 项次要结局在各组之间均无显着差异。随机分组后 28 天,羟氯喹组 241 名患者中有 25 名(10.4%)和安慰剂组 236 名患者中有 25 名(10.6%)死亡(绝对差异,-0.2% [95% CI,-5.7% 至 5.3% ];aOR,1.07 [95% CI,0.54 至 2.09])
在因 COVID-19 住院的呼吸系统疾病成人中,与安慰剂相比,羟氯喹治疗在第 14 天并未显着改善临床状态。这些发现不支持在住院成人中使用羟氯喹治疗 COVID-19
In the December 1, 2020, issue of JAMA, Self et al1 reported a randomized clinical trial that evaluated whether treatment with hydroxychloroquine improved clinical outcomes of adults hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with placebo. The primary outcome was the patient’s clinical status 14 days after randomization, assessed with an ordinal 7-category scale ranging from worst (“death”) to the best (“discharged from the hospital and able to perform normal activities”). The term “ordinal” is applied to an outcome measure for which its mutually exclusive categories can be ordered by their clinical preference. The primary outcome was analyzed with a multivariable ordinal logistic regression model, which is a regression model for an ordinal dependent variable. The authors found that there was not a statistically significant difference between the hydroxychloroquine and placebo groups in clinical status 14 days after randomization.
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