近日,一篇发表在国际杂志Nature Aging上题为“Somatic mutations in single human cardiomyocytes reveal age-associated DNA damage and widespread oxidative genotoxicity”的研究报告中,来自波士顿儿童医院等机构的科学家们通过研.....
Perineal ProstatectomyCite this chapterKhattar, N., Nayyar, R., Sood, R. (2015). Perineal Prostatectomy. In: Khanna, R., Bratslavsky, G., Stein, R. (eds) Surgical Techniques for Prostate Cancer. Springer, New York, NY. h.....
Delaunay S, Nature. 2022 Jun 29.AbstractAggressive and metastatic cancers show enhanced metabolic plasticity1, but the precise underlying mechanisms of this remain unclear. Here we show how two NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransfe.....