More than 400 different genes have been implicated in the causes of obesity or being overweight.

Obesity is the resultant energy imbalance in a person who consistently consumes more calories from food and drink than are needed to power their body's metabolic and physical functions.如果一个人不断地从食物和饮料中摄入卡路里,并且超过了身体代谢和功能所需的量,那就会导致体内能量失衡——肥胖。说白了就是热量失衡。“吃多了动少了”就是导致热量供过于求的原因。但我们发现,有的人吃得胖,有些人吃不胖,还有人不吃都长胖。吃不胖的先拖出去,我们来聊聊胖胖的你,有哪些“命不由我”的因素。

“我饿了,我要吃”、“我饱了,不吃了”——这些都是大脑发出的信号。The brain regulates food intake by responding to signals received from fat tissue, the pancreas, and the digestive tract. These signals are transmitted by hormones — such as leptin and insulin.大脑通过响应来自脂肪组织、胰腺和消化道的信号来调节食物的摄入。这些信号由致轻素、胰岛素等激素传递。The brain coordinates these signals with other inputs and responds with instructions to the body: either to eat more and reduce energy use, or to do the opposite.大脑将这些信号与其他输入信号进行协调,并对身体给出指示:要么吃多点,减少能量消耗,要么吃少点,多运动。

To date, more than 400 different genes have been implicated in the causes of obesity or being overweight, although only a handful of these appear to be major players.迄今为止,(研究者们发现)有超过400种不同的基因与超重或肥胖的原因有关,但是只有少数基因似乎是主要因素。美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)在其官网公布了8个与病态肥胖有关联的基因(变体)。

表格中的基因,有的调节胰岛素合成,有的会激发食欲,促使你摄入更多食物,还有的会促成脂质的吸收,加速脂肪组织的生成。Genes contribute to the causes of obesity in many ways, by affecting appetite, satiety (the feeling of fullness), metabolism, body-fat distribution, and the tendency to use eating as a way to cope with stress.基因可以多方面影响肥胖的成因,它会影响食欲、饱腹感、新陈代谢、体脂分布、以及将饮食作为减压方式的倾向。其实,每个人受肥胖基因影响的程度不一。来测测,你是不是那个“天选之人”:
Genes are probably a significant contributor to your obesity if you have most or all of the following characteristics:如果你符合下列多数或全部描述,那么你的肥胖受基因的影响就很大:
Y ou have been overweight for much of your life.One or both of your parents or several other blood relatives are significantly overweight. If both of your parents have obesity, your likelihood of developing obesity is as high as 80%.
父母一方或双方,或者其他血亲有严重肥胖。如果你的父母都患有肥胖症,那么你的患肥胖的几率可能高达80%。You can't lose weight even when you increase your physical activity and stick to a low-calories diet for many months.就算多动并且减少热量摄入持续数个月体重也不会减少。

Genes are probably a lower contributor for you if you have most or all of the following characteristics:如果你符合下列多数或全部描述,那么基因对你肥胖的影响就很小。
You are strongly influenced by the availability of food.You are moderately overweight, but you can lose weight when you follow a reasonable diet and exercise program.You regain lost weight during the holiday season, after changing your eating or exercise habits, or at times when you experience psychological or social problems.逢年过节的时候、改变饮食运动习惯之后、或者有心理或社交问题时,减下去的体重又会长回来。
根据“节俭基因型”假说(the "thrifty genotype" hypothesis),在数次饥荒中捡了性命的古人们,靠的就是帮助人们少消耗点能量的基因。
Energy is crucial to survival. Human energy regulation is primed to protect against weight loss, rather than to control weight gain. 人类体内的能量调节是为了防止体重下降,而不是为了控制体重增加。
The “thrifty genotype” suggests that the same genes that helped our ancestors survive occasional famines are now being challenged by environments in which food is plentiful year round.“节俭基因型”(假说)表明,那些帮助我们的祖先在偶发的饥荒中生存下来的基因,现在正受到全年食物充足的环境的挑战。


Even people whose genes make them prone to obesity can keep the disease in check by jogging, walking or climbing mountains, according to research on more than 18,000 residents of Taiwan.根据对台湾地区18000多名居民的研究,即使是有肥胖基因的人,也可以通过慢跑、步行或者爬山运动来控制肥胖症的恶化。比起慢跑,夏天貌似更适合游泳——水里出汗也不会黏糊糊的。不过研究显示:Swimming and cycling might not be so successful at mitigating that genetic risk.But relatively long sessions of yoga also helped to control obesity, as did fast walking and some forms of ballroom dancing, such as the foxtrot and the waltz.但是相对长时间的瑜伽也有助于控制肥胖,类似效果的运动还有快走和一些舞厅舞蹈,比方说狐步舞和华尔兹。

其实这么看下来,哪怕是少数过度肥胖者,都可以做到“我体重由我不由基因”。当然了,身材丰腴还是清瘦都是个人喜好。不过双语君提醒你,过度的肥胖还是不可取哦:Obesity is an important public health problem as it increases the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other serious diseases.肥胖是一个关键的公共卫生问题,因为它增加了人们患糖尿病、心脏病、中风和其他重病的风险。
来源 : 网络
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