Kataoka H et al.Sci Rep. 2022 Mar 8;12(1):3784.
一项随机、双盲、多中心研究纳入395例3期CKD和无症状高尿酸血症患者。分为非布索坦组(n=203)与安慰剂组(n=192),根据蛋白尿和血清肌酐浓度分类,在无蛋白尿的亚队列中,非布索坦组的eGFR平均值显著高于安慰剂组(P= 0.007)
Attribute-based medicine is essential for patient-centered medicine. To date, the groups of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) requiring urate-lowering therapy are clinically unknown. Herein, we evaluated the efficacy of febuxostat using a cross-classification, attribute-based research approach. We performed post hoc analysis of multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial data for 395 patients with stage 3 CKD and asymptomatic hyperuricemia. Participants were divided into febuxostat or placebo groups and subcohorts stratified and cross-classified by proteinuria and serum creatinine concentrations. In patients stratified based on proteinuria, the mean eGFR slopes were significantly higher in the febuxostat group than in the placebo group (P = 0.007) in the subcohort without proteinuria. The interaction between febuxostat treatment and presence of proteinuria in terms of eGFR slope was significant (P for interaction = 0.019). When cross-classified by the presence of proteinuria and serum creatinine level, the mean eGFR slopes significantly differed between the febuxostat and placebo groups (P = 0.040) in cross-classified subcohorts without proteinuria and with serum creatinine level ≥ median, but not in the cross-classified subcohorts with proteinuria and serum creatinine level < median. Febuxostat mitigated the decline in kidney function among stage 3 CKD patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia without proteinuria.
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