2021-05-28 来源 : 网络
如果我们每天都喝新鲜牛尿,那么就可以治愈新冠肺炎导致的肺部感染。 我很痛苦,但我每天都喝牛尿,所以到现在我不用服药也能免受新冠肺炎感染。 "If we have desi gau mutra (urine from an indigenous cow) every day, then it cures lung infection from Covid. I am in deep pain but I take cow urine every day. So now, I don't have have to take any medicine against corona and I don't have corona.
塔库尔 图片来源:
我每天早上起来都要喝一杯,味道有点酸,但它能净化我的身体和肺部,让我免受新冠病毒感染。 我没有吃任何抵抗新冠肺炎的药物,但仍然很健康。 "I consumed cow urine daily and it is a kind of acid which purifies my body. It also purifies the lungs and saves me from Covid-19 infection. I don't take any medicine against corona but I am safe".
这些尿要来自本地的牛,而且这些牛只吃森林里的草。 (尿液)要用棉布过滤至少16次以后饮用才有效果。 She said, "The urine should belong to a cow of indigenous breed...one who only grass from a forest. It should then be filtered at least 16 times using a cotton cloth before consumption."
Last year, when the pandemic was in its early stages, BJP Bengal chief Dilip Ghosh had declared, "I have no qualm in accepting I consume cow urine". He was at an event in Kolkata in which people were urged to drink cow urine to guard against COVID-19.
Earlier this month, a BJP MLA in Uttar Pradesh, Surendra Singh … recommended "cow urine with a glass of cold water".
Doctors in India are warning against the practice of using cow dung in the belief it will ward off COVID-19, saying there is no scientific evidence for its effectiveness and that it risks spreading other diseases.
Doctors in India are warning against the practice of using cow dung in the belief it will ward off COVID-19, saying there is no scientific evidence for its
"It is based entirely on belief," said Dr JA Jayalal, national president at the Indian Medical Association.
"There are also health risks involved in smearing or consuming these products - other diseases can spread from the animal to humans."
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